
Showing posts from 2016
Chattahoochie River, Continued First, the underpainting, starting off warm to add life to the blues and greens to follow. The shapes are visible here and I have laid in some sky color. Worked the hills on the other side of the river a little bit. Just putting in texture so you can find trees and undergrowth there. This is enough for today; time to tend to other chores. Thanks for visiting. You're welcome any time.
Work in Process - Chattahoochie River Near Home It all started with this photo. Here we squish and pull to fit the canvas and spice up the foreground. Now ready for painting.
Sky Holes The foliage has many openings to admit light and air. Some artists call these "sky holes,"  as in "remember to leave holes for the birds to fly through." So I call this painting "Sky Holes." Hope you enjoy it. This is a low resolution image, so some detail might be missing. Just a reminder, copyright me.
Why I Paint I paint because I like to do it.  I'm grateful beyond imagining that I can spend time pursuing painting.